What Can We Do About the Housing Affordability Challenge in Kennett?
Earlier this month, The Kennett Borough Council held a meeting to hear about actions they can take to improve affordability. Square Roots Collective Chief of Staff and Kennett Planning Commission member, Luke Zubrod, offered testimony to Council and proposed three new initiatives that could ultimately increase affordability, stability and access to housing:
That the construction of internal, attached and detached accessory dwelling units (ADUs) be permitted in the development of future borough residential development within all zoning districts. (ADUs are defined as smaller, independent residential dwelling units that can be in the form of additions to new and existing homes or new stand-alone structures. Now supported by cities and counties across the U.S., ADUs have the potential to increase housing affordability and create a wider range of housing options.)
Reforming minimum parking mandates at new developments and redevelopment sites.
Taking the steps to accommodate “Missing Middle Housing,” an initiative that will invite greater density within a community while still attempting to enable development at a neighborhood scale.
Read from the Chester County Press here: https://www.chestercounty.com/2023/8/15/446457/council-hears-ideas-for-creating-affordable-housing-options-in-kennett-borough