Healthy Communities


Effective community action needs to be guided by a solid philosophy of what creates and sustains community health. We believe every thriving community is a fragile ecosystem in which the health of one area effects every other area. Taking into account academic research and learning from thriving communities around the world, SRC seeks to understand what it takes for a community to thrive and to advance projects based on that knowledge.

We believe that all successful communities…


Are fragile social ecosystems in which the many different aspects of healthy community life are kept in balance,

therefore they focus on the holistic health of the entire system.

Learn more about Bridges out of Poverty


Understand that success (or failure) in one area impacts all other areas,

therefore they consider the knock-on effects of decisions to avoid unintended consequences.

Learn more about SBRF


Are a result of a flywheel effect where success in one area increases the probability of success in other areas,

therefore they encourage partnerships with likeminded organizations to encourage a holistic mindset of success.

Learn more about SCCON


Are marked by deep trusted relationships across racial, socioeconomic, political and vocational lines

therefore they seek to encourage friendships and partnerships across those lines

Learn more about Voices Underground


Connect all residents with opportunities to experience the benefits of community life and progress

therefore we consider how to create equitable access to opportunities.

Learn more about the Kennett Greenway


We are admirers and students of researchers and experts from numerous organizations around the country, including: