
Committed to advancing the community of Kennett Square so that all residents can thrive.


What is Square Roots Collective?

Square Roots Collective is a collection of social enterprises that join in advancing our community toward an ecosystem in which everyone can thrive. This includes for-profit businesses, non-profit ventures, formal and informal partnerships and associations with likeminded organizations – all united by a commitment to the holistic thriving of Kennett Square.

What’s happening?

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Voices Underground Presents: Juneteenth: A Promise Unfulfilled

Experience the event for yourself and watch the video recording of the Voices underground’s Juneteenth panel discussion.


Small Business Response Fund

Learn more about how you can help support your local Kennett Square businesses by donating to the Historic Kennett Small Business Response Fund.


The Creamery Re-Opens

Just in time for summer, the Kennett Creamery is back open for business. Visit their website to learn more about how they are ensuring the health and safety of their customers while continuing to create a special experience.


Our Roots


Square Roots Collective is a new name but has been over 25 years in the making.